Monday, February 21, 2011

Like Baked Apple Pie

Do you ever find yourself following certain smells with your nose? It's like a delicious baked apple pie. You just want to follow that smell until you find it, because you are now craving it. And you pursue your hunt until you are satisfied.  Or when you go to a friends house and there you find a fresh and inviting scent that penetrates her home. So you begin to inquire about the scent in her home and where you can find it. Some smells are so refreshing that you just want a taste of it but some are not so refreshing and just leave a stench behind.

 It can be the same way when we are with others, in our work place, at a gathering, at the grocery store, doctors office, at a restaurant, even at church. We can be either a refreshing  scent or we can  be a scent that leaves a stench behind.
In 2 Corinthians 2:14 says: "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place." 

The word manifest means: a public declaration; an open statement.of a person - expose to view, make manifest, to show one’s self, appear; to become known, to be plainly recognized, thoroughly understood who and what one is.

Does our knowledge of Him manifest in us? In our actions, words, gestures, temperament, etc that we can be recognized by others, of who we are in Christ? Does the knowledge of Him leave a sweet aroma when we are with others? Or are we leaving behind a stench and a bitter taste in others palette?
The Word of God is refreshing.It nourishes us, changes and transforms us. It is the most beautiful love letter ever written. It has a sweet aroma, a fresh scent, and when you are in it you want more and more of it.  And when we do this, through us, there will be a sweet aroma left  behind in every place, because we will respond and act differently. But Christ is the One that leads us in this triumph.We cannot do it on our own. We need to be spending time in His Word, so that when we are with others we can be like a Glade automatic sprayer, And leave a fresh scent in every place.

Father,  we want our attitudes, our actions, our words, our gestures towards others leave a sweet aroma of who we are in You. That your Word, Your Truth would be manifested in us, that others would recognize that there is something different about us, your children. That every place we step foot into that others would see something different in us. That our scent would be something that others would want and pursue, until they are satisfied in You. In Jesus Christ name, Amen.

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