Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27
This past week, my husband and I were invited to attend a dinner to support the Pregnancy Support Services(PSS) in our area. We had a really nice time and we learned a lot that evening. I left that evening with a heavy heart, with tears and hope as well. We heard stories of different women and the choices they have made in their lives, abortion, adoption, etc. When it comes to things like this I am a softy, and it just breaks my heart. This was also a great opportunity to have a heart check and to ask myself, what am I doing in my community to show Christ to others? How am I helping? How is my family involved and how can it be involved?
Well, I must say today I took a step forward into that direction and to get out of my comfort zone. I contacted an orphanage, still waiting for a reply from them, in hopes of getting involved and serving the children in their care.
PSS is a great non-profit organization to help and invest in. Reasons for that is that you can get involved in a tangible way with women that are making life changing decisions. But I am sure that the one that will be changed will be me. Contact or check online for the PSS close to you and support them. Support LIFE!
Another way to serve the community is by volunteering for Meals on Wheels in a church, etc. There are many ways we can get involved and show Christ's love to others, it is our duty.

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